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Why is Theft So Common on Construction Sites?

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Construction sites are often targeted by criminals, vandals, and other unauthorized individuals who are looking for an opportunity to steal equipment, tools, and other valuable items. Most locations hold hundreds of thousands worth of assets and materials on site, sometimes with little to no security. In 2021, there were 11,504 separate instances of construction theft in the U.S. Those were only the reported instances, nearly double that of gas station burglaries, and quadruple that of grocery store thefts.

thief stealing from construction site at night
Construction Site Theft

Combined with the current scarcity of many construction essentials –like copper, aluminum, lumber, and more – thieves are more incentivized than ever to fetch huge returns on the stolen goods.


According to the Department of Energy, over $1 billion worth of copper is stolen each year nationwide, a large percentage of which comes from construction sites. At the time of writing, the cost of copper is approximately $3.73/pound, which provides huge incentive for thieves to tear apart cables, wiring, and piping.

Construction site theft isn't only limited to smaller items primed for snatch and grab robbery. Many sites are experiencing a sharp rise in equipment theft. According to the National Equipment Register (NER), the most targeted states (in order) are Texas, Florida, and California. The loss of any of these high value tools and vehicles can critically stall any site.

deploy surveillance mobile unit on construction site security
Mobile Surveillance Unit on Construction Site

Construction Site Theft

These incidents can result in significant losses for construction companies and project delays. Employees are unable to finish their projects on time, affecting scheduling and procurement costs. Not only that, but those losses are ultimately passed on to the consumers after construction companies and insurance companies work through their respective claims. To combat this problem, many construction companies are turning to mobile surveillance units as a way to protect their sites.


Mobile Surveillance Units

A mobile surveillance unit is a self-contained vehicle that is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and tools to monitor locations. These units are ideal for construction sites because they can be quickly deployed and set up to monitor the site 24/7 via advanced analytics and an off-site monitoring center, leaving no time in the day where the site is unattended or at risk. If an event is ever triggered, everything is recorded in crystal clear video using combination HD, thermal, and night vision cameras.

Some units, like the Deploy Surveillance Mobile Surveillance Trailers, can record and read the license plate of a fleeing vehicle hundreds of feet away.


Set up is simple and affordable. A tech will deliver the unit, calibrate the cameras, set up the boundaries, and 30 minutes later, the site is secure. Larger sites may require more units to ensure full visibility.

Here are some of the ways a mobile surveillance unit can protect a construction site:


Deter Criminal Activity

The presence of a mobile surveillance unit can act as a deterrent to criminal activity. The knowledge that the construction site is being monitored can dissuade thieves and vandals from attempting to break in or steal equipment.


Video Monitoring

Mobile surveillance units are equipped with high-quality cameras that can provide 24/7 video monitoring of the site. This allows the construction company to keep a watchful eye on the site and quickly identify any suspicious activity.


Alarm Monitoring

Mobile surveillance units can be equipped with alarms that will alert the company's security team in the event of an intrusion or other security breach. This can help to quickly notify law enforcement or security personnel to respond to the site and prevent theft or damage.

Not only that, but some units have built-in speaker systems that allow the agent to address the intruder live via the mobile surveillance unit, which proves to be a huge deterrent.


Remote Monitoring

The video feeds and alarm systems can be accessed remotely by the construction company's security team. This allows them to monitor the site from a remote location, which can reduce the need for on-site security personnel.


Motion Detection

Mobile surveillance units are equipped with motion detection sensors that can alert the security team when there is movement on the site. This can help to quickly identify potential threats and prevent theft or vandalism.


In conclusion, a mobile surveillance unit can be a powerful tool for protecting a construction site. By providing 24/7 monitoring, deterrence, and alert systems, these units can help to prevent criminal activity and reduce the risk of theft or damage to the construction site. As a result, construction companies can focus on completing their projects on time and within budget, without worrying about the safety and security of their equipment and materials.


Deploy Surveillance offers site security options customized to fit any client's needs, including Mobile Surveillance Units that are rapidly deployed to any terrain in 1-2 weeks, and set up in under 30 minutes for use. All trailers and camera units are proudly made entirely in the U.S.A. and are 100% government compliant. Headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, the company has clients nationwide. For more information or to request a custom quote, visit https://www.deploysurveillance.com.

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