blue flashing light hovering in empty parking lot watercolor style at night for blog titled what are those flashing blue lights around town

What Are Those Flashing Blue Lights Seen Around Town?

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You’re walking back to your car from a late-night Wal-Mart run for ice cream and a frozen pizza when you notice them— flashing blue lights all around the parking lot, fixed to poles or trailers, high in the air. Now that you think about it, you’ve seen them before while driving around—construction sites, parking lots, roadsides, retail shops, EV charging stations, stadiums, events, concerts. They're striking and instantly capture your attention. But what are they?

The flashing blue lights seen in parking lots, construction sites, and other areas are 24V strobe lights mounted on solar-powered mobile surveillance trailers. These lights are designed to alert potential criminals of their presence and deter illegal activity.

Powerful infrared cameras monitor virtual boundaries in all directions around the lights, recording 24/7 and monitored remotely, tagging any suspicious activity for review by law enforcement. Most are equipped with talk-down loudspeakers that can communicate with passersby. They are placed on-site either by business owners, land management companies, city officials, or law enforcement districts. Access to the cameras are determined by the trailer owners.

flashing blue lights in parking lot at night from mobile surveillance trailer

What Is a Mobile Surveillance Trailer?

A mobile surveillance trailer, also referred to as a security tower, lot cop, security trailer, or surveillance unit, is a versatile and robust security solution designed to provide constant monitoring for various locations. These trailers are equipped with high-definition cameras, often combined with thermal imaging capabilities, to ensure comprehensive coverage. They establish virtual boundaries on-site, and any breach of these boundaries triggers protocols established by the business owner, including immediate police deployment.

How do the Security Surveillance Trailers Work?

The cameras record in HD once the virtual boundary is violated, capturing pictures of intruders or vehicles. They can also utilize AI-powered facial recognition tools and license plate recognition software, storing the data or forwarding it to law enforcement. Mobile surveillance trailers are becoming increasingly popular among business owners, homeowners associations, city officials, police departments, construction companies, solar farms, and more.

Owners can trigger the flashing blue lights manually via a customer portal, have them turn on when the digital boundary is crossed, or leave them on all the time as a method of deterrence.


Why Are the Lights Blue?

The choice of blue for the flashing lights relates to common colors used by emergency services. Studies have shown that blue lights are more easily perceived at night, making them highly effective for visibility and deterrence. Additionally, blue stands out against traffic and other background lights, making it a clear signal to both potential intruders and the general public.

Light Colors By Common Uses

But why are they blue? And why do all the companies use the same color? The answer lies in the application. Certain colors denote different situations and are used for different agencies.


Almost always denotes an emergency vehicle if the lights are facing forward. It's also used on school buses to signal traffic to stop during passenger loading and unloading.

Amber or Yellow

Commonly used by utility vehicles, construction vehicles, garbage trucks, snow plows, and funeral escorts.


Often used in combination with other colors to increase visibility, though it may be restricted to emergency vehicles in some states.


Used by Homeland Security Agencies and private security agencies protecting high-risk government and critical infrastructure.


Permitted in some states to denote funeral vehicles.

Given that mobile surveillance trailers essentially function as an extension of law enforcement, working in conjunction with on-foot security guards, blue ends up being the most appropriate color. It clearly signals that the area is under surveillance and that security measures are in place.


The Importance of Flashing Blue Lights for Deterrence and Security

Dan Prady, Founder of Deploy Surveillance, explains the significance:

"The flashing blue lights imply to the person looking to commit a crime, 'stay away from this area, you're being watched if you come close.' To people looking to patronize an area and see our MSU with flashing blue lights in the parking lot, they feel a sense of security knowing cameras are watching, streaming, documenting all movements."

This dual message of deterrence and reassurance is crucial for maintaining safety and security in various environments, from commercial properties to large public events.

close up of security trailer body with flashing blue light in parking lot at night for protection


About Deploy Surveillance

Deploy Surveillance offers self-sufficient, solar-powered hybrid mobile surveillance units for cloud-based monitoring, uniquely tailored to meet the security needs of any setting. All trailers and camera units are proudly made in the U.S.A. Headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, the company serves clients nationwide. For more information or to request a custom quote, visit

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