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Lease vs. Buy: Mobile Surveillance Trailers

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Lease vs Buy. Whether protecting construction sites, residential communities, retail properties, or industrial facilities, businesses must make strategic financial decisions regarding their security infrastructure. Half of the battle is deciding whether or not to invest in a mobile security solution, either in lieu of or in addition to physical guards. The other half revolves around the choice between leasing or buying mobile surveillance trailers. In this post, we'll explore each option, helping businesses make informed decisions aligned with their operational needs and long-term goals.



Leasing a mobile surveillance unit offers several advantages for businesses. First and foremost, leasing provides flexibility in terms of contract duration. Companies can typically sign leases ranging from six months to a year, with options for month-to-month extensions thereafter.

This flexibility allows businesses to adapt their security solutions to changing circumstances without being locked into long-term commitments.

If, however, a company has a need for longer terms, signing contracts beyond a year creates flexibility in the pricing, often drastically lowering monthly costs by hundreds of dollars.


One of the key benefits of leasing is access to the latest technology and features. Manufacturers regularly introduce upgrades and enhancements to their models, ensuring optimal performance and security capabilities. By leasing, businesses can stay current with technological advancements without incurring additional upgrade costs.


Moreover, leasing offers a comprehensive solution that includes not only the trailer itself but also essential services such as monitoring, maintenance, and software subscriptions.

This all-inclusive package simplifies management and ensures seamless integration of all components, alleviating the burden on businesses to coordinate multiple vendors and the possible addition of new employees to the overall payroll.

With a lease model, you can be assured that all pieces of the trailer have been run through rigorous testing in the shop and field, allowing for troubleshooting opportunities with trained professionals who have decades of experience. These same companies usually have excellent vendor relations with various manufacturers of batteries, solar panels, cameras, and more, providing them access to discount pricing, insider expertise, and sometimes advanced technology that average consumers or businesses wouldn't have access to. All of this intellectual and tangible capital is constantly reinvested into the product, something that other companies lacking mobile surveillance as their core offering cannot match.


Financially, leasing provides a predictable monthly expense, making budgeting and cash flow management more straightforward. Companies can avoid substantial upfront investments associated with purchasing trailers and instead allocate resources strategically to other areas of their operations. Knowing the exact monthly fees is especially critical for construction sites and other companies that bid projects out months or years in advance, as it enables effective budget setting.

Purchasing a well-made, domestic trailer without banned cameras can cost upwards of $70,000, with additional expenses for cameras, batteries, panels, and more. The software and monitoring entail additional monthly or annual fees, excluding setup and integration costs.
Cheap foreign trailers, characterized by visible wiring that can be easily disabled, frames susceptible to being knocked over in inclement weather, and banned cameras with poor integration or upgrade options, are still priced at $30,000 - $40,000.

man sitting at desk thinking hard between two mobile surveillance trailer options dollar signs in background



While purchasing a mobile surveillance trailer may seem appealing at first glance—at the end of the day, you own the trailer and can manage it and use it however you like—there are notable drawbacks. One significant drawback is assuming full liability for the asset, including warranties and repairs.

This means dedicating resources to manage every aspect of the trailer's upkeep, from technical maintenance to logistical considerations like finding adequate storage space for unused units and arranging transportation as needed.

Suddenly, companies may find themselves needing to hire a logistics coordinator as well, given that these units can weigh hundreds of pounds and cannot be easily moved without flatbeds or the appropriate vehicles.


Another drawback of buying trailers is the potential for technological obsolescence. When a company purchases a trailer, it owns that specific model. As manufacturers release upgrades and enhancements, owners may miss out on the latest features and advancements. In contrast, leasing allows for easy upgrades and replacements at the end of the lease term, ensuring access to the latest technology.


Opting to purchase mobile security trailers requires companies to invest significant time and resources into becoming experts in various technical aspects.

Not only would they need to understand the construction of the unit, but also delve into intricate details such as battery production and consumption, solar panel efficiency, and more. This level of expertise demands a considerable commitment of resources, including budget allocation and staffing.

Moreover, the time-consuming nature of acquiring this knowledge detracts from core business activities and strategic initiatives, ultimately hindering overall efficiency and productivity.

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In conclusion, the decision between leasing and buying mobile security trailers is a critical one for businesses seeking to enhance their security infrastructure. While both options offer distinct advantages, leasing emerges as the preferred choice for most companies due to its flexibility, access to the latest technology, comprehensive support, and cost-effective solutions. Additionally, opting for a lease model alleviates the burden on companies to become experts in all aspects of the trailer, batteries, cameras, software, and integration, as mobile surveillance companies with a lease model already specialize in these areas, providing comprehensive support and expertise.

By carefully evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of each option, businesses can make informed decisions that align with their operational objectives and long-term growth strategies. Whether safeguarding construction sites, retail properties, or industrial facilities, choosing the right approach to mobile security trailers is essential for ensuring the safety and security of assets and personnel.


About Deploy Surveillance

Deploy Surveillance offers self-sufficient, solar-powered hybrid mobile surveillance units for cloud-based monitoring, uniquely tailored to meet the security needs of any setting. All trailers and camera units are proudly made in the U.S.A. Headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, the company serves clients nationwide. For more information or to request a custom quote, visit

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